Updated Mask Policy

Albany Tennis Club

Updated Mask Policy

On the long Covid-19 journey, here is the latest from the State of Oregon:

A business, employer or faith institution that has a policy for requesting and checking for proof of vaccination and requests and reviews proof of vaccination may permit fully vaccinated individuals with proof of vaccination to go without a mask, face covering or face shield, and does not need to enforce physical distancing requirements for such individuals.

Therefore, the ATC Board of Directors is implementing the following policy so that vaccinated individuals can play inside the Club mask-free:

  • Provide proof of vaccination (your CDC vaccination card) to Darryl in the office in person, via email (darryl@albanytennisclub.org), or a copy in the mail slot.
  • A list of verified individuals will be available in the lobby.
  • Non-verified individuals will still need to wear a mask indoors at the Club.

This policy is expected to be temporary until overall vaccination levels reach the point that mask requirements for indoor recreation will be lifted.  At this time masks are not required outdoors – which will include the pool area starting May 29!

ATC Board of Directors